Alex Armitage Alex Armitage

Wine Country Camera Filter System Review

I spent years getting away without using a filter system. I watched videos where photographers wouldn’t leave home without them and others who said modern technology makes them unnecessary. I told myself I can get by with just my circular polarizer and honestly I did. So why did I decide to invest into a filter system if I was getting by without one? The answer is versatility, ease of use, and the usability of graduated filters (we’ll get to that one later). I don’t want to dwell too much on why you need or don’t need a filter system. I personally think you can get by without them professionally, but it’s a wonderful tool to have when you have the space.

I spent years getting away without using a filter system. I watched videos where photographers wouldn’t leave home without them and others who said modern technology makes them unnecessary. I told myself I can get by with just my circular polarizer and honestly I did. So why did I decide to invest into a filter system if I was getting by without one? The answer is versatility, ease of use, and the usability of graduated filters (we’ll get to that one later). I don’t want to dwell too much on why you need or don’t need a filter system. I personally think you can get by without them professionally, but it’s a wonderful tool to have when you have the space.

The advantages for using a filter system for me are:

  1. Stackable ND's for precise exposures
  2. Easily removable when using 10+ stop ND's to check composition
  3. Graduated ND's 
  4. Less vignetting from Circular Polarizer
  5. Let's be honest - Style points!

You'll notice using Graduated ND's isn't at the top of the list, which I think is one of the main reasons many people invest in filter systems. My editing and workflow has gotten very adept at taking multiple exposures of scenes to capture the entire dynamic range. The use of GND's isn't as necessary for the style of photos I take, but at least now I have the option.

My biggest desire in a filter system was stackable ND's and ease of use. I want something where I don't have to screw on and off different filters to get the correct exposure, which can be a real pain in the butt when your standing in 20 degree weather or balancing on some rocks in a river! So when I started looking around at the options out there, the most important feature was how pleasurable the system is to use - something that enables me to shoot what I want and not get in the way


After weeks of research and thinking, it became really obvious what system I wanted - Wine Country Camera! First of all, who or what is Wine Country Camera? WCC is a brand started by professional photographer Rod Clark with the idea in mind to really fix major issues in the filter system market. While I can admit that I didn't have first hand experience using other filter systems, after extensive research it became obvious how behind every other company was in their design. For complete transparency it should be known that no incentives were provided in any way for writing this. I actually emailed Rod to find out if he would send me a system to review before purchasing and he wasn't able to. With that out of the way, let me explain why this system is in a league of its own.

Filter Vaults

This is hands down the most important feature on the WCC system for me. When I'm out shooting, I really don't want my gear to get in the way of the photos I'm taking. The thought of having to handle each piece of glass without getting finger prints everywhere while also "gently shoving" it into place sounds like a nightmare. The casings, known as "Vaults" really change everything in the filter market. They do a few important things:

  1. Allow filters to be inserted without ever touching the glass
  2. Prevent filters from being able to fall out of the bottom of the holder
  3. The ability to easily insert and remove ND/GNDs 
  4. Prevent light leak/No Gasket needed
  5. No scratched up filters

This means that you can keep the system attached to your camera lens while being able to gently insert and adjust filters without ruining your composition and without needing to take the system off the lens. You can pull ND's out of your bag via the tabs on the Vaults and never worry about touching the glass. On top of all that you get the piece of mind that they will never accidentally fall out of the bottom! 

Why wasn't this thought of sooner? To me this is the home run. This single feature convinced me to buy a filter system. Before stumbling upon the WCC, I always felt like using a system would get in my way. I watched videos of people struggling to put expensive pieces of glass into tight slots, get fingerprints everywhere, and it honestly always looked like a pain to work with. So far the experience I've had using the Vaults has been really pleasant.

The only downside to these vaults is that they do restrict the size of the filters you can use. I don't necessarily mean 100x100, I'm talking about thickness. I actually had a 3 stop Tiffen filter laying around from some video work years ago and it was too thick to fit into a vault. So just be aware and feel free to email WCC if you're concerned an old filter might not fit. 

Adjustable Internal Polarizer (CPL)

At this point my mouth was already watering at the thought of being able to use a system without having to get my dirty fingerprints on a bunch of nice glass. One thing I was concerned about was my needs for a polarizer. I found in my research that a lot of systems (Lee, Cokin, Format-Hitech) all used polarizers that screwed on to the outside of the filter system; NiSi was the only other brand I found using an internally adjustable polarizer. This was crucial for me as it meant I wasn't fiddling around trying to screw on or off a CPL in the field. I shoot often with a CPL so most of the time it's on my lens when I'm shooting landscapes. Having an internal polarizer like this one does three important things:

  1. I don't have to attach/detach the CPL for storage everytime I use the system. It's internally part of the system.
  2. If I do need to remove it, it's VERY easy.
  3. Prevents light leak and vignetting

Pull down on the red clips and that's it to remove the CPL!

CPL Removed

I found in a lot of my research other systems that have the CPL on the outside can cause weird reflections in an image and made the vignetting much worse, usually showing up around 22-24mm. That isn't the case for this system. I tested it on my 16-35 and don't notice any added vignette throughout that range except very lightly at 16mm only.

Once again this all goes back to wanting a system that doesn't get in my way and these factors play an important roll in that.

Top/Bottom buttons control position of GND filters safely

Push-Button Adjustable GND

This would likely be far more important to me if I had been using a lot of GNDs in another system before buying this one. However, this is my first system so I think I'm probably spoiled. That said, using GNDs looked like a royal pain in the butt with other systems. You either have to hold your camera steady while trying to force a GND into a perfect position or you have to remove the entire system and guess where it should go. Neither of those options sound enjoyable to use.

You can see the buttons and how they function

In combination with the vault filter holders, the WCC uses push buttons to adjust the center and outer channel GND slots. This means that you can have the entire system attached to your lens, gently slide in a GND and adjust it to the perfect spot while holding down the button. This in itself might be a game changer for many of you out there using other systems. It's very smooth to adjust, held securely in place when you let go, and once again won't fall out of the bottom accidentally!


By now you should be able to tell that this thing is larger than other systems out there and a tad heavier but the whole system is only around 15 ounces. On top of the system being a bit larger, using the vaults also adds a bit of space.

One thing that could be improved in the design is how the holder tightens onto the adapter ring. Currently it sits flush around the adapter ring and you tighten a knob to fasten it in. Once the knob is tight, this thing isn't coming off. The issue is sometimes it might be difficult to tell if you attached the system flush with the adapter ring, just something you have to be cautious of when doing so. To my understanding it was designed this way so that you can put the system on without disturbing the camera to prevent movement in your composition. I do think there is room for improvement here though in the future. 


I feel like I barely need to write anything here as the pictures, even before I purchased mine, screamed quality to me. I mean, just look at this thing!

You'll notice a few spots of wood. These not only look incredible, but actually do serve a purpose. The wood handles don't get as cold so if your handling the system in a chilly climate, your fingers won't get stuck to the cold metal! But seriously, even if it was just for looks, I'm not complaining. The dial for the CPL is large to allow operation while using gloves. Everything in this system is designed with the use of gloves in mind.

Overall the build quality is exactly what you'd expect. Even down to the clip that holds the filters in place, the attention to detail is superb. 

Filters - I don't want to dive too deep into the quality of the filters WCC sells, as you could be using your own filters. Also I didn't do any extensive tests/comparisons regarding their quality. I can say the shots I have taken with them have been flawless. Heres the description used on the website

Blackstone ND filters are a technological leap-frog advancement over competing ND filters. Legacy dye-based ND filters suffer from serious color cast. The first generation of Vapor Deposition Coated (VDC) ND filters have largely corrected the color cast problem, but lack the ability to resolve high-megapixel camera without diffusing the image. Wine Country Camera’s exclusive Blackstone ND features the next generation of vapor deposition coating that is both perfectly neutral across all spectrums of light (including UV and IR) and resolves the image with zero diffusion effect.

You can read more about the ND and GNDs here. Once again I haven't done any scientific tests but from my own use, the filters haven't caused any color cast on my images like others I have used. 

Polarizer - Having owned multiple high quality CPLs, this is hands down the best one I've ever used. It's fire polished Schott glass with anti reflective multi-coating on both sides that resolves 100megapixel images. The biggest downside to this internal polarizer is you are limited to using the one made by WCC but from my experience it's been great.  


So obviously this is where the brakes get hit when buying new gear. No, this filter system isn't cheap. This system without a polarizer is $300. With the CPL it's $450. Before closing your window, keep a few things in mind, or at least listen to what was in my mind when doing research.

I looked at the LEE system, which seems to be the go to affordable system. Without any CPL but with an adapter ring you can get one for around $135. The system was certainly less expensive, but also remember you're going to be putting multiple pieces of expensive glass into this system. Each ND can get to over $200 each and you want to throw it in an $80 piece of plastic? No thanks, that's like putting your Nikon D850 on a $40 tripod. 

So let's compare it to the NiSi system which is regarded and used by many professionals. Their latest V5 Pro kit is $173 with a polarizer. There is a catch though. The polarizer that comes with the system is not the same as the polarizers they sell individually. They make an "enchanced" version that cost roughly the same price as the WCC polarizer at $150. That said, I went back and forth between these two systems and ultimately decided that the extra cost was completely worth it for the features on the WCC.

This system won't be for everyone. But for me spending a bit extra for piece of mind, ease of use, and overall quality was enough. This system should last you years, even decades.

The kit comes with a case for the system and the filters. A really nice touch that also feels sturdy enough to protect your gear. 


Well if it's not obvious already, clearly I like this thing. I mean, I wrote this review just to speak it's praise simply because I have a great appreciation for innovation and attention to detail. I absolutely love this filter system and it truly has been a pleasure to use. 


  • Innovative "Vault" filter system
  • Internal High Quality CPL
  • Easily adjustable GNDs
  • Ease of use
  • Attention to Quality
  • Sex appeal - Seriously people ask me about this thing anywhere I take it out!


  • Cost
  • Size/Weight
  • Attachment to lens adapter 

I won't use this everywhere. I still use my normal B+W CPL that screws directly on to my lens in many cases. I absolutely love having the option when I've got the time for a little extra setup and knowing this system won't get in my way of the shots I am trying to capture. I'd love to hear what you think and feel free to ask any questions!

* I was not sponsored, incentived, or persuaded in any way to write this review*

Taken using the WCC System

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Alex Armitage Alex Armitage

Michelin Stars / Day 7

Ah the bittersweet last day of Madrid. I felt like I just got here! We tried to get some sleep but definitely didn’t get a full night. It was a Holiday, Father’s Day, and Spain apparently gets that day off! 

Our first plan was to photograph/film near the Crystal Palace in Retiro park. We had been to the park twice before but never when the Crystal Palace was open or had good lightning. It’s right in the middle of Retiro, which by the way is very large! We spent time time walking around and I filmed a bit of the people. Because of the Holiday there were tons of people which was actually great for filming. 

Ah the bittersweet last day of Madrid. I felt like I just got here! We tried to get some sleep but definitely didn’t get a full night. It was a Holiday, Father’s Day, and Spain apparently gets that day off! 

Our first plan was to photograph/film near the Crystal Palace in Retiro park. We had been to the park twice before but never when the Crystal Palace was open or had good lightning. It’s right in the middle of Retiro, which by the way is very large! We spent time time walking around and I filmed a bit of the people. Because of the Holiday there were tons of people which was actually great for filming. 

By the time we left we were both very hungry. Our only other plan was to film some specific shots of Rebecca entering/exiting stores for a specific shot idea. We went to a vegetarian place and it was delicious. I got Lasagna and a really tasty smoothie. 

We headed to a famous chocolatier called San Gines. Rebecca got some water while I filmed a man playing some guitar. There was also a man just singing at his table and it was a picture perfect look into what Madrid has been. We were in a small ally sitting at a table listening to this man sing. He wasn’t someone walking around and asking for donations though. He was just a guy at a table with his friends, singing to them. The best description to how it sounded is the scene in Lady and the Tramp where they are eating together.

Also right as we were leaving there was an old woman bringing groceries home from the market and she lived literally right where we were sitting. I got up to help her get her things into the elevator. This is the perfect time to bring something up that I constantly noticed. The elderly in the city are very active. They filled the buses, always well dressed, and genuinely just living their everyday lives. I’m not sure if it’s because the main way to get around was the bus/walking or that they are generally more active. I mean this women I was helping up the stairs could barely make it up them and she was toting around a heavy amount of groceries. It really caused this sense of humanity while even doing mundane things like traveling.

Once leaving we headed to one of the famous markets that we had already been to but wanted to grab an entering and exiting shot for a montage scene. We walked around for a bit. Browsed some shopping areas while I grabbed some more footage. We had dinner reservations at 8:30 for a celebratory trip! So we headed home to freshen up and change. 


Our reservations were for a 2 star Michelin restaraunt in Madrid named Bibo Dani Garcia. I've never been to a Michelin star restaraunt and this one was pleasantly affordable, so why not? 

The menu was setup in such a way that you order 5-6 things at once and it's brought out to you as it's ready. I couldn't tell you what exactly we ordered but I can say it was absolutely delicious. Highly recommended if you are in Madrid and want to experience a nice meal that doesn't break the wallet.  

After stuffing ourselves with a lot of raw meat we got back on the bus and headed home. I was pretty exhausted after two straight days of little sleep and I still needed to pack. Its a lot to manage so much equipment and peripherals​ without forgetting anything. 


​I hope you've enjoyed the travel blog so far. I hope to adapt and get better at it as time goes on. I plan to do a quick wrap up post to follow this one, and more photography related posts in the future. Let me know what you think and thanks for following along! 

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Alex Armitage Alex Armitage

Palace of dreams and my crush / Day 6

After essentially a long nap, our agenda for the day was shooting hyperlapses and time lapses. Which means me shooting a lot of photos while Rebecca and Michelle bring me food and snacks! What more could a guy ask for?


We started by getting a quick coffee at the Ritz. We wanted some content for the Hotel but our schedule didn’t allow for us to officially make a visit. The inside is gorgeous and located right next to the Prado museum. 

Proper drinking posture

Proper drinking posture

We headed to the Palace and I was able to grab a hyperlapse before we went in. It was an incredible experience. I’ve never been in a building so perfectly curated. Details everywhere, nothing goes unseen. Art works from Goya, Velazquez, Mengs, and many others. I’m not exaggerating when I say I couldn’t get my jaw off the floor. I can’t describe the size and majesty in words, I’m not qualified. I couldn’t take pictures besides in the first area, so here’s one of those!

Once we left, I got another hyperlapse before the palace closed. They take a decent amount of time, 10-15 minutes of moving, framing, and shooting every ~5 seconds. Rebecca and Michelle went to find food while I got a few more timelapses and hyper lapses. Before I knew it, the sun was gone. We had a gorgeous sunset and the fam showed back up right in time.


We left the palace to go take a quick siesta before going out again. Yes, again. Instead of napping I offloaded all my photos. We went out a little earlier tonight to a really interesting bar. It was like a large old house converted into a lounge/bar. Dancing inside and socializing outside. We met up with the same crew from the night before except this time I ran into someone I knew. Long story short, the women who let me into the flat I was staying was there - what a small world!

We were supposed to only stay for a few hours but that didn’t happen. I ended up staying there until 3am (how was I still awake?). A new friend actually introduced me to one of her close friends and I made a connection for future trips, so that was quite convenient. I walked her home and got a cab for myself. Definitely a night I will never forget as I always want to embrace meeting new people. Connecting and building relationships with faces around the world. That kind of social growth is something I always want to take advantage of while traveling. Who knows when I may run into them again!

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Spain Alex Armitage Spain Alex Armitage

Nightlife in Spain / Day 5

I overslept. Not that we had anything planned but I wanted to get up early and go film the city solo. Apparently my body was not having it. It was actually a good thing for the day to come, so it all worked out. One thing I've learned while on this trip is that there's always more time in between plans than you think. We didn't start our day until later afternoon but I got some much needed data management done, something I'll post about in the future.  

Spain is known for having an incredible nightlife. Not something I tend to do very often considering I don't drink, but it's definitely something we wanted to capture on film. Specifically on the emphasis on how late they go out. I came up with this idea to film quick shots of sometbing I'm doing and then show my phone to display the time. 

I overslept. Not that we had anything planned but I wanted to get up early and go film the city solo. Apparently my body was not having it. It was actually a good thing for the day to come, so it all worked out. One thing I've learned while on this trip is that there's always more time in between plans than you think. We didn't start our day until later afternoon but I got some much needed data management done, something I'll post about in the future.  

Spain is known for having an incredible nightlife. Not something I tend to do very often considering I don't drink, but it's definitely something we wanted to capture on film. Specifically on the emphasis on how late they go out. I came up with this idea to film quick shots of sometbing I'm doing and then show my phone to display the time. 

Thus I did this throughout the day, but more on the nightlife in a bit. We went to La Reina Sofia, an art museum with more modern art such as Picasso and Dalí. Speaking of Dali, when asking a friend of Michelle's about the museum, she had no idea who I was talking about because of the way I was pronouncing Dalí, which made for a funny conversation. 


 Speaking of Dali... This museum allows for photography in most of the rooms. Getting to see Picasso's masterpiece, Guiernica, was a really wonderful experience. I remember studying it in school and distinctly how large it was. It's even larger in real life. 


We left to grab some food while I attempted a hyperlapse outside but wasn't successful (well maybe, haven't put together the timeline). I parted ways with Michelle and Rebecca to try and shoot some sunset material downtown as they were heading to a birthday party that I would join them for later. I grabbed some shots and video. Went to do a little shopping for shoes. This place has an insane amount of shoe stores. It's literally just food and shoes in some areas. Which for someone who likes shoes, isn't healthy for my wallet. 


I grabbed a quick meal while I relaxed from walking but it was getting late for me to be walking around with my equipment. I also had a party to get to! I got home around 10pm, changed, and headed to the party. The metro was a little slower this time of night but I made it by 11pm. Now, here's the crazy part of this story. This drinking party (more like a friendly get together) was from 5-Midnight. Then we were going out. I was introduced to a smorgasbord of nationalities; French, Argentinian, Panamanian, and only one person from Spain. One of the reasons I don't ever go out dancing is because I don't know how to dance. Well, that was changed very quickly by some lovely people volunteering to teach me how. I didn't quite pick it up, but it was fun. We didn't leave until 1am and got on the most crowded metro ride I've been on. 

Packed like sardines we were off. After failing to get into one club, which I think was for the best because it didn't seem great. We took a quick taxi ride to another club, Le Boutique. We got in the door at 2:05am and it was dead inside. I thought to myself, "this isn't going to look great on film." All I brought was my GoPro in case I couldn't get in with anything larger, meaning it would be difficult to even fake how many people appeared in frame. It wasn't until a few hours later that I realized they are not joking around about when people show up to dance. By 4am the place was, for lack of a better term, lit 🔥. A lot of music I don't know and a lot of electro-Latino dancing I was very bad at. I also accidentally paid the full price for a rum and coke without the rum! Whoops. Aside from my own mistake, I had an incredible time. We didn't get back to our flat until 5:30am. I was exhausted and passed out after backing up the GoPro footage I got. 


Sometimes accidentally sleeping in pays off! 

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Spain Alex Armitage Spain Alex Armitage

Spain Day 4

We had this idea to try and film with the stabilizer outside of a car window to capture some of the architecture in the city. Mainly the large roundabouts throughout down town. We failed the first attempt via our uber having windows too small. Later that day, I saw some of the tourist buses driving around and their second floor had no windows. It was perfect, thus today that's what we did. I got some footage of the city while on the bus, we got some more footage walking around Prado and some expensive shops while I had the Stabilizer setup. Basically we can only carry around so much when exploring and the Ronin-M isn't your definition of portable, although it's not terrible to walk around with packed up. We just tried to get as much as we could while I had it on me that day and it resulted in us getting back later than expected.

We had this idea to try and film with the stabilizer outside of a car window to capture some of the architecture in the city. Mainly the large roundabouts throughout down town. We failed the first attempt via our uber having windows too small. Later that day, I saw some of the tourist buses driving around and their second floor had no windows. It was perfect, thus today that's what we did. I got some footage of the city while on the bus, we got some more footage walking around Prado and some expensive shops while I had the Stabilizer setup. Basically we can only carry around so much when exploring and the Ronin-M isn't your definition of portable, although it's not terrible to walk around with packed up. We just tried to get as much as we could while I had it on me that day and it resulted in us getting back later than expected.


I left my lens cap on the bus (RIP), but I was bound to lose something on one of these trips at some point. It's incredible the amount of cables, cards, batteries, and accessories that I have to keep track of. I'm thankful it was merely a lens cap and not something else. Theres a small photo store right next to where I am staying but they didn't open back up until 5pm for their siesta. Thus I relaxed a bit and offloaded the footage to my backup until then. Thankfully they did end up having the lens size I needed and I was at peace. I grabbed some quick food from the some tapas place I went to yesterday. The cuisine is interesting, they love pork here. 


I went off on my own to shoot sunset material and snap some photos down town. I might not know the language but I've got a good handle on how to get around already. It's actually mostly just google maps, but I'll take the credit. I shot until the sun was gone and then grabbed some food to wait for nightfall.  As terrible as it sounds, I had never had foreign McDonalds before so... I tried it.


I had too. I wanted to see if there was a difference. For the most part their wasn't. Also that's the largest drink size they have, which makes a lot of sense to me. I don't understand the huge sizes in America. I went to the Azotea rooftop to try and take some long exposure of the city. The issue was they have these large rails so that you can't get close to the edge, which makes sense considering you are so far up. It sure does make taking photos difficult though. I think I managed to snap one usable one. 


It was around 10pm by this point and as much as I wanted to keep exploring, I don't like carrying so much equipment that late at night alone. Thus I headed home and passed out. Can you see when we arrived in Spain on this graph of steps?


Hope you enjoyed!

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