Palace of dreams and my crush / Day 6

After essentially a long nap, our agenda for the day was shooting hyperlapses and time lapses. Which means me shooting a lot of photos while Rebecca and Michelle bring me food and snacks! What more could a guy ask for?


We started by getting a quick coffee at the Ritz. We wanted some content for the Hotel but our schedule didn’t allow for us to officially make a visit. The inside is gorgeous and located right next to the Prado museum. 

Proper drinking posture

Proper drinking posture

We headed to the Palace and I was able to grab a hyperlapse before we went in. It was an incredible experience. I’ve never been in a building so perfectly curated. Details everywhere, nothing goes unseen. Art works from Goya, Velazquez, Mengs, and many others. I’m not exaggerating when I say I couldn’t get my jaw off the floor. I can’t describe the size and majesty in words, I’m not qualified. I couldn’t take pictures besides in the first area, so here’s one of those!

Once we left, I got another hyperlapse before the palace closed. They take a decent amount of time, 10-15 minutes of moving, framing, and shooting every ~5 seconds. Rebecca and Michelle went to find food while I got a few more timelapses and hyper lapses. Before I knew it, the sun was gone. We had a gorgeous sunset and the fam showed back up right in time.


We left the palace to go take a quick siesta before going out again. Yes, again. Instead of napping I offloaded all my photos. We went out a little earlier tonight to a really interesting bar. It was like a large old house converted into a lounge/bar. Dancing inside and socializing outside. We met up with the same crew from the night before except this time I ran into someone I knew. Long story short, the women who let me into the flat I was staying was there - what a small world!

We were supposed to only stay for a few hours but that didn’t happen. I ended up staying there until 3am (how was I still awake?). A new friend actually introduced me to one of her close friends and I made a connection for future trips, so that was quite convenient. I walked her home and got a cab for myself. Definitely a night I will never forget as I always want to embrace meeting new people. Connecting and building relationships with faces around the world. That kind of social growth is something I always want to take advantage of while traveling. Who knows when I may run into them again!


Michelin Stars / Day 7


Nightlife in Spain / Day 5